Tuesday, June 12, 2007


One of our good friends had their second baby over weekend. A healthy baby girl ! Little one weighed over 8 pounds at birth. Congrats N and R !You guys are fabulous parents ... enjoy your little bundle of joy. I had been wanting to have these friends over for dinner at our place, before she gave birth ... but that had not been possible. I was waiting for her parents to come from India, so I could invite all of them over. Her parents were scheduled to come from India on the 9th. She was due to give birth on 25th June. BP and I had decided that this week, we would invite them. But before I could execute my plan, the little one decided to arrive. Infact that came as a surprise to me ... coz hers was a scheduled C-section. She had almost given up any hope on a Normal delivery. But "He" had a different idea. She started having contractions on saturday. When she went to the hospital, the doctor convinced them to go for Normal delivery. After about 6 hours of labor pain, the little was born ! My friend was discharged from the hospital the next day. According to her, the difference in her energy level when she delivered via C-section and this time is huge.
Anyways ... I am really very happy for you dear ... wishing your family all the very best !!Take care !


noon said...

Wow - 25th due and already here! Cool! Amazing how one just never knows when the baby will decide to make the grand entry into this world! Nice to hear of things going well esp when I am here waiting for the D-day myself! Congratulations to your friends!

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

@Noon: Thanks for visiting ! You know someone told me girls are arrive sooner than boys ... not sure whether to believe or to ...
Good luck to you. Hope you have safe delivery !

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

Congrats to the couple! And a normal when they were expecting a C? Wow. I bet the energy levels were higher.

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

@Poppins : And I didn't think that would be a possibility here until I heard of this couple ... ain't I naive :(


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