Monday, August 17, 2009

How can this be happening?

Junior announces (in fact runs from any corner of the house to find us) and announces "Poo Poo" and then does the act !!
Potty training was never in my mind ... why does this girl remind me of things I am not ready for ?

ps: I thought the first time was a coincidence ... it has happened consistently for the past week ... hmm ... really how can this be happening???


Anusha said...

what?!! how can that be? wasn't she born like a few months ago!
these second ones, they're born to surprise...

Pixie said...


how cute!! :) :)

Junior is full of surprises!! :) :)

Hip Grandma said...

Forgotten the days of potty training.How did I do it?

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

@KM / Pixie: These second ones take on us always unprepared parents ... they surprise us in more than one ways !

@HG: oh ! wonder if potty training was such a big deal those days ... since we use diapers all the time, it is more difficult for us these days.

Aryan-Arjun said...

Congrats..junior is rocking....
Aryan's Mom


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